
Would it not be great to lose 10 kg in three days? People would say that it is impossible, but I know that it is possible. One hard day at Comrades marathon and you could lose five kg, but all of it may be back in the next two days or so. If you do eat selectively and exercise at a Comrades type level and duration for three days in a row, you ma... more

We are running a brand new waist loss programme that is based on four meetings over a four week period. We call the training - four weeks to a flat tummy. This may not be for you, but you may know of someone that may find this valuable. The link to my blog is here .. If you want more information, you could ask using the form at the end ... more

Ek begin binnekort weer met 'n 90 dae plan wat ek glo gaan 'n groot impak hê in my lewe. 'n Mens kan sekerlik die vraag vra of so 'n 90 dae van intensiewe gewoel en gewerskaf wel die gevraagde verandering kan bewerk. Wat kan in 90 dae gebeur vir jou? 1. Jy kan dalk 6 - 12 kilogram verloor (of optel as dit nodig is) ... more